Sources: Browser Fingerprints Lead to Price Discrimination

Sources: Browser Fingerprints Lead to Price Discrimination

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These are the sources for our earlier article on Browser Fingerprints Enabling Price Discrimination.

[1a] Kare 11

The Target app price switch: What you need to know
Author: Chris Hrapsky
Published: 1/27/2019, Updated: February 6, 2019

[1b] Money Talks News

How Target Snooped on Shoppers, Changed Prices Based on Location
Bob Sullivan
February 16, 2019
“For instance, Target’s app price for a particular Samsung 55-inch Smart TV was $499.99, but when we pulled into the parking lot of the Minnetonka store, that price suddenly increased to $599.99 on the app,” the station said.

[1c] Biz Journals

Report: Target’s app charges higher prices to customers near a store
By Alex Van Abbema
Feb 1, 2019

[2] Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
An Empirical Study on Price Differentiation Based on System Fingerprints
By Thomas Hupperich, Dennis Tatang
Dec 8 2017
Full PDF:

or Summary via Semantics Scholar:
Los Angeles (USA), London (United Kingdom), Berlin (Germany), and Tokyo (Japan). had higher rates for Pakistan than US. US was lowest. Take advantage of poverty and lack of knowledge.
Changing language, for example to German increased price.

[3] Harvard Business Review

How Retailers Use Personalized Prices to Test What You’re Willing to Pay
By Rafi Mohammed
October 20, 2017

[4] Pro Publica

The Tiger Mom Tax: Asians Are Nearly Twice as Likely to Get a Higher Price from Princeton Review
By Julia Angwin, Surya Mattu and Jeff Larson
Sept. 1, 2015

[5] CBS News

Can shopping online make you a victim of price discrimination?
January 9, 2017
“charge more to PC users than mobile”

[6] The Guardian

Cookie monsters: why your browsing history could mean rip-off prices
Arwa Mahdawi

Tor version of Guardian article:

[7] The Click Hub

Do Browser Cookies Increase Flight Prices?
July 3 2019
By Sophie Barber

[5] Wall Street Journal

Websites Vary Prices, Deals Based on Users’ Information
By Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, Jeremy Singer-Vine and Ashkan Soltani
Dec. 24, 2012
“Staples, for example, has offered discounted prices based on whether rival stores are within 20 miles of its customers’ location.”

[8a] Techlicious

When the Device You Use Determines the Price You Get
By Fox Van Allen
October 28, 2014

[8b] Northeastern University

Study: some online shoppers pay more than others
By Greg St. Martin,
October 23, 2014

[8c] Northeastern University

Measuring Price Discrimination and Steering
on E-commerce Web Sites
By Aniko Hannak, Gary Soeller, David Lazer, Alan Mislove, Christo Wilson

[9a] Cnet

Mac users pay more than PC users, says Orbitz
By Larry Dignan
June 25, 2012

The travel site says Mac users will pay $20 to $30 a night more on hotels than PC users.

Orbitz has found that Apple users spend as much as 30% more a night on hotels, so the online travel site is starting to show them different, and sometimes costlier, options than Windows visitors see.

[9b] Wall Street Journal

On Orbitz, Mac Users Steered to Pricier Hotels
By Dana Mattioli
Updated Aug. 23, 2012

[9c] Wall Street Journal

Websites Vary Prices, Deals Based on Users’ Information
By Jennifer Valentino-DeVries, Jeremy Singer-Vine, and Ashkan Soltani
Dec. 24, 2012

[10] Carnegie Mellon University

Automated Experiments on Ad Privacy Settings: A Tale of Opacity, Choice, and Discrimination
Amit Datta, M. Tschantz, Anupam Datta
Published 27 August 2014
Full PDF:

or via Semantics Scholar:
“females received fewer instances of an ad encouraging the taking of high paying jobs than males.”

[11] Maastricht University

Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
Volume 28, Issue 3, June 2021, Pages 283-286
Editorial: Discrimination in Online AdvertisingBy Caroline Cauffman
Full PDF (heads up, it makes calls to Google)

Facebook sued for employment, housing, and credit advertising… illegal. Continued even after made changes to cultural categories

[12] California Law Review

Big Data’s Disparate Impact
Solon Barocas, Microsoft Research; Cornell University
Andrew D. Selbst, UCLA School of Law
Sep 30, 2016

[13] The New Yorker

“Reid Hoffman’s Big Dreams for LinkedIn”
Nicholas Lemann
October 10, 2015

Found LinkedIn
Through talent match feature
Displays candidates with whatever bias the employer has due to AI matching machine learning

[14] Inf News

The “big data killing”, which has been repeatedly taught, was sprayed
By Ma Tianyu on the hot search

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