-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 This is an agreement for arbitration services between Simplified Privacy ("SP") and AilliA of XMRBazaar. Simplified Privacy submits to AilliA's arbitration decisions as final, binding, and the true and legitimate rule of law. This agreement is not tied to any particular location, website, server, or the fluctuation of Monero's price against government-typed inflation digits. - - --- Section A Brief Overview Upfront Deposit Amount: 2 XMR Final One Time Arbitration Fee: 0.25 XMR Agreement Term: 6 months Starts: August 14, 2024 Verification Method: PGP Transcends Physical Locations - - --- Section B Simplified Privacy responsibilities: a) SP agrees to deposit 2 XMR for 6 months into this Monero wallet controlled by AilliA: view-only wallet primary address: 43vJZUscG7sDac9Et1wc4TMLmkawF1wcCJYzefnjrLZ7BQ5LCJJP3do2rr1SQ85LuEHEh3XxRGmdnU97M7RhJNZDNN9ot81 view key: 48c2240ac9b6b162176b5562908a65eff6eee0f3e53d1789bda1a3385b3f1504 b) Arbitration Fee: SP agrees to pay a one-time 0.25 XMR fee for AilliA's arbitration services for the duration of the 6-month agreement. This fee is paid at the competition of the term or renewal. Terms for renewals must be renegotiated. c) SP agrees to PGP sign receipts with customers. Receipts must outline what service or product is expected to be delivered. - - --- Section C AilliA's responsibilities: a) AilliA agrees to keep the private spend key to this wallet safe, and to return the funds at the completion of the agreement to the wallet designated below, (unless it's disputed or renewed as agreed upon by both parties). Simplified Privacy Return Monero (XMR) Address: 89gbof7fHub9dSMGVX2mGhDggU8TWXuFtGxbKefVNCpWCa377BS8uPzRr831Qd86FWRvPDTrvjkbHYZHgs5nmohRL5j1KiH b) AilliA's Liability: AilliA's liability is limited to the amount SP deposits in the designated wallet. c) Renewal: If both parties agree to renew at the completion of the term, then new terms may be defined. Either way, SP must pay the Arbitration Fee and a new fee must/may be negotiated for the next term. b) AilliA agrees to respond on XMRBazaar, X (former Twitter) and Matrix to incoming customer messages on a regular basis c) AilliA agrees to moderate and evaluate the legitimacy of disputes against SP's PGP receipts. And if SP has promised a product or service that has not been delivered, to then pay the customer from this deposit. d) AilliA agrees to reject fake receipts, and only treat PGP receipts as legitimate if they are signed using the public key below. e) AilliA agrees to keep all customer information private. No publication of customer addresses or data. - - --- Section D Legitimate Disputes: a) Anyone claiming a dispute against SP, must have a verified PGP receipt using the public key listed below. Without a signed PGP receipt, the request must be rejected. b) SP has 2 weeks to respond to any legitimate claim with evidence of delivery. If SP fails to respond, (or gives notification of leave), then AilliA must side with the plaintiff and pay from SP's deposit. SP may notify AilliA of extended leave (such as loss of electricity, internet, medical, travel, weather, or external events), and it will be at AilliA's sole and subjective discretion if these events are legitimate and additional time is granted. Legitimate evidence includes: For Physical items: Tracking numbers of physical products, such as electronics Video showing the product being sealed and sent c) Insurance: Customer will be offered the option for insurance, which may require a signature in some countries. If so, then insurance will be used. However if the customer refuses insurance, (for any reason, such as he/she declines to sign for privacy reasons), then SP is not liable for any loss or damage during shipping. This means that the customer would not be eligible for a dispute. But SP is still required to show a mail tracking number that demonstrates it is lost due to the mail facility's fault. If mail insurance is paid out, then the fiat funds go to SP, which then has to provide another new product (or a full refund of cryptocurrency) to the customer. For Digital Products: Demonstrations of working services, such as an email server or cloud that functions as promised - - --- Section E Termination & Force Majeure: a) AilliA can terminate the agreement early by returning the XMR deposit and forfeiting the arbitration fee. b) SP can NOT terminate the agreement early because customers are relying upon this, and AilliA is not monitoring total business activity for privacy reasons. However, SP can stop using PGP as a form of doing business for things outside the agreement's scope. c) Key switching: SP can NOT switch PGP keys on customers as a way of bypassing liability for receipts. However, in the event of a key compromise (such as a hack or accidental leak), then SP must notify AilliA and publicly broadcast the change. d) Force Majeure: If due to unforeseen external events, either party is unable to fulfill some part of this contract, additional time may be given due to loss of electricity, internet, medical, travel, weather, political instability, or external events. - - --- Section F Registration Information Simplified Privacy's Public Key: - - -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBGTB0q8BDADqZjnNHgqEDzm1YgBphKOlpETX45tYWdDJUFseU5azP2RrazEV VlJ/+KgMER8SddS85TlKG2cqK5xbzWCPoUsn08J5Oha90B24fGXsiyrVHWc2uraZ mFS2vChtGZudf2FXR0vGX0vyj2ClcQ0aV+DV4S2mzNyHtpR9kyvz0u00P4RwmxV6 YpHjqrphv0M9ivv9THgJUxVoArJ8cTwGr8OIMe3qo+gVwVjUyuC0bRysaeoperYa o6dHo0jsz9yFtAZI+dXKMQo0BV1ajvlrhKo03pgqQ+5GMWY9ZucBWT/IrMP+qlh6 xIOmKtvZSQuym5rdRpSPUSDVZcthAiNg0qANFOAEFKzFppQFfspUi1n7zRe7Kod3 i6+WUr0IapoJ+AJ7JtKn+3R7A6ZHC7dnbOtDlqsNXOT4+YzP+lesHuunCCEl0H3d GU7udnUPyFXxCnFKQ7eOAr/7hJGvXrutT503lEy1CrPUEseZKzy8UzeZbVl1NAno J1veUA9om8qXpS0AEQEAAbQ7U2ltcGxpZmllZFByaXZhY3kgLSBTdXBwb3J0IDxT dXBwb3J0QFNpbXBsaWZpZWRQcml2YWN5LmNvbT6JAdQEEwEKAD4WIQRpywv9a6Q5 VglRdVdIfVakmGjB6AUCZMHSrwIbAwUJA8Mo0QULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIe AQIXgAAKCRBIfVakmGjB6Et9C/9fIBgDhPsLAbtRPiVVNbrukbe9EWOhjxAXnrPO Fuxvfpj6pItNQtv0wQQc8rGcZqu4VJDiQ4ATyNx7U1Gf99dq9foyu01pp3HYjPXn 00q+IQO2UpI5KjeC1atQtCpHkrNPcNShJLLO6Eo5TnCP7j3OdD89RlcBlS0KEvH6 VARWuplGL2bVsIv/+wTudDRIwEshxQlzbnARMB4qCK/dlvlKb5g1+Ns2Pt1rAQ7A r+5DQOlzB5soXUTm8j0yZVT2LH24iCPHA5sdD+8ZrWJrwGnOI22H9eSWVpEyRfnl UXDqn6RtwfEySbwPIjilheshDiLBBHtNAgCgzWZUSMER8Cvir3EBFwW92f2mA0K8 lQIs95y4L2IjS/hQ5zsZH61Qd8XcPBigYIAQdWKsQWkj5FugHxNz0erVHAIlTz7n xauQk7BvtIJZyzJub1i1hFWX7AgGymudmZ4f3faFV17kuGEhUnUfJv2sDZ5cGZic fHr3yAqiiPfkYR83OeUZ8c5Kfti5AY0EZMHSrwEMAKZjVSZ7L92+Yw3Tjy0DeU22 ofr9gedPSYdIlYfaRkSO9wuzhN625BREPy3bwfvY70nRz+I6jSjqSiy0x9TEaHUf Xfh4KsML4kFKnQlWyBzKFy41m0fXLP+mRlSbNojf0+bwvH2p7AB71Eau+czTcVWe VzouKjglMEdGNVbTNZ7/xcYjqGhanxFLvmEPLfkUKT0GbpTzJZyrMUfvtglPRfKP QZlPXB5aP98wJhli4ayjIIYsWYZADKsr5LPnB+9pt60NN1IUmr8BICtaZX3FVYLa OeKIaz7ngcLmEiDd+9xWrYDXV2Zvobk+tDv3THv6ERgSOAoMSMK65i6WyuBpqWW7 fLRKL71ChKVHK5HZ6oJ5aOm76oS2i+309hNjX05ioAIpSDrgfn+HQo1CJVGtwGOm +GUhWRit1kpV+PBQELnqm9BQVnJgAW8gExcQZ8ZczrYzChfkujYTfBdmRUIOIBAY U0g14U5vLkKIujH5e1n/r55/Jy8WN0F15o4MI9lmEQARAQABiQG8BBgBCgAmFiEE acsL/WukOVYJUXVXSH1WpJhowegFAmTB0q8CGwwFCQPDKNEACgkQSH1WpJhowehD /gwAiXqoRo32o0bQTJM+0sPSXlJP7g2lZIzxyRNBqiqOSSLVvtGURpm0W/A6LKA0 2xvf+k57xdN611lBR1/n2qIvZXPybDnhtHnMeHgtyeZlhgPdnEfJxh5gSDlHkgdU i9+pS/kyEXNBo32YlRekLn7tfmnDpmjhOlTHZUtIhX44VgMI3rMzEC/Nki2vYFKP oepN87qtPoL5+Z+BUmU9h8U9ztRVkncMoScu3M1+zHIGFhm3wazrC34ifMIMAa1y 5rF6w0cto269wkpzLv13kzApQm8P4B5wmIST0mBnG4peuX8K3rEcNQxwWE6+orF0 IRv2hwh9HNhVHrTEukXfXtNfwEfGaTEmtoZztRPenkYvt2oRj5NNXXRKYqpRtSRZ y5fguPYiixg3MpdME/FiOMiXBQjlTa6mkmDBU7zKrcJ4OOBSOrCH2CG4ykeXFWt2 WWDYO8CGmgBCVqX1FBxTvt0vKWZkqwitWgTaFMF8xKMYGCgsDqcW19VoJ1MotHK9 GBZl =JCvC - - -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Additional Business Registration Information for Simplified Privacy: PGP Fingerprint: 69CB0BFD6BA4395609517557487D56A49868C1E8 Nostr Public Key: npub14slk4lshtylkrqg9z0dvng09gn58h88frvnax7uga3v0h25szj4qzjt5d6 Session ID: Support Monero (XMR): 89gbof7fHub9dSMGVX2mGhDggU8TWXuFtGxbKefVNCpWCa377BS8uPzRr831Qd86FWRvPDTrvjkbHYZHgs5nmohRL5j1KiH Tor Onion: privacyy3tsy4mge4qmg4nsid2vnhl7szzupphhkfsxvayx5tl2ztbqd.onion IPFS Domains: SimplifiedPrivacy.sol SimplifiedPrivacy.eth Arweave Domain: Privacy Bastyon: SimplifiedPrivacy ~~~~ Additional Contact Information for AilliA: Matrix: @aillia:matrix.org XMRBazaar: https://xmrbazaar.com/user/AilliA https://xmrbazaar.com/mediator-listing/Mhj9z/ Twitter: https://x.com/AilliaLink ~~~~ Public Key for AilliaLink - - -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: 0852 4886 0923 76C8 1D9F 8919 EDF2 74DD 9E5B B82C Comment: AilliA xjMEZbGJbxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAB7QSE+Alr2TR4gqBUTI0SFY0pIdHh2r2/s/n XMtcPWXNI0FpbGxpQSA8YWlsbGlhLmxpbmtAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20+wpMEExYK ADsWIQQIUkiGCSN2yB2fiRnt8nTdnlu4LAUCZbGJbwIbAwULCQgHAgIiAgYVCgkI CwIEFgIDAQIeBwIXgAAKCRDt8nTdnlu4LLnRAQCyJVT4fD/oQZyeVHHl3294Co80 IfjwsMPpwB0JU87PVQD/UswzApqS0RHMT0mfOi4VOBu+QT2z4wQnT5Z1Q5XvzgbO OARlsYlvEgorBgEEAZdVAQUBAQdAza5AUjuNwhtbrIIrqG4QbTlNIEFA+kAsHLiA NJE2enQDAQgHwngEGBYKACAWIQQIUkiGCSN2yB2fiRnt8nTdnlu4LAUCZbGJbwIb DAAKCRDt8nTdnlu4LHLRAP9Z2JvRzuPfhVCsPsv/aPMiDQ4duCTEkeV7XTpn0OCS 3AD+KxE1I2WpaBrMa8ElFfI2h55iZWnpAE+Yd3hPFjk5twk= =pXDE - - -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- - - --- Section F Signatures - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iHUEARYKAB0WIQQIUkiGCSN2yB2fiRnt8nTdnlu4LAUCZr0FqAAKCRDt8nTdnlu4 LB3XAQCnmg7wBVC2s6hRQq26OZ4zvPXUb47FCrf1ik8FL0T7vAEAzdFV05FWXDag Xed3bc2x+ZUCCbiKY6OYqUJdkDAMrwY= =LvAk - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Above is AilliA's signature. Simplified Privacy sent the 2 XMR, transaction ID: 80adf4646461a1429a27cd532c70c181edcfdd0bad3440238a5376458dad4540 And now we sign, -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQGzBAEBCgAdFiEEacsL/WukOVYJUXVXSH1WpJhowegFAma9EbkACgkQSH1WpJho weibQwwAi31pIU0KdW8Y+iHV0eAB0YPWHvUdb7/OvATuyy2Zc1bqjK6e8FXVa+Jp JTthpjMBJhnKR+FwNWQN/sEKWiFkkVNBruSaw7EUJ7Y3ArBfov1p41aAWE6VYdi8 tVZihF0gh5rOIj1h34wmu/Xo5mW2XszQU+AxkJw12loWQ3rtKzNkvr+EuuBPu/Dg cqzpQ6i4CBTy8yEMK3YTVS858e06j8de7L7Lny0GSelWOW1ppAvb+eMl0FtiIPmH Ua08GsI92htMRZ3Gn1A0hp0/L+SD4LB14VWA6RT7yDoS24XEBKa2kTJj49rlH2dw X+GYzxnNAMeZ5LiMeCzlF+/Gdxskdv5LUV6SkaiZHIHiJKL4m4ztfilKgxEEgWnO AsDpcVTIy3qW3EFmsKbCCZ4bW8iQ5VVVnh4/vw/6DxupvLHH6EVMN/63tQnNCC53 N85KXQLXQciZSQkrHOMg+sY5g/WL0JUbNZb2p3lI0H/YEa56uwcVm4rg6LOls6VF wNv2uEhJ =jXZe -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----