Internet Structure is Lame. (& how to fix it)

"I promote the idea of Agnostic Encryption as Identity."

Internet Structure is Lame. (& how to fix it)

The problem:

a) Domain names are the government’s opinion of your identity

b) SSL Encryption is not even based on these flawed domains, even worse than that, it’s based on locations, so the cloud host owns everything

c) Even worse than that, not just the cloud host owns it, but on top of that Cloudflare sees everything. You submit your password, Cloudflare’s CDN sees it. They own every account you thought you owned.

d) Even worse than that, Websites won’t even let you JUST have a password. You need to email to verify, which is completely insecure nonsense that is now having a different 2nd cloud company own your account on the first one’s servers.

e) Web browsers are running whatever code they want. You’re a bitch that just has to accept their code.

f) Web browsers are dominated by Google & Mozilla, both left-leaning anti-privacy companies.

I reject this.

Instead, I promote the idea of Agnostic Encryption as Identity. And what this means is:


a) Using Encryption as Identity with open source clients.


b) Empower the end user with choices among both clients and protocols.


c) End users have all the power. Servers are an irrelevant commodity


d) Avoiding tying identities to particular servers


e) Communication between keypair systems to reduce the number of clients or extensions the person has to download. We assume disagreement, if you curse me out then you prove my point.

Network Effect

f) Cross-communication to increase the access and availability of content, and the network effect of all encryption as identity.

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