Simplified Privacy

Libertarian Institute Partnership

Simplified Privacy is proud to announce our partnership with the Libertarian Institute to promote, manage, and setup services for their Session & Nostr!

The Libertarian Institute features many amazing authors, podcasters, and influencers:

Scott Horton

Sheldon Richman

Laurie Calhoun

James Bovard

Ted G. Carpenter

Kyle Anzalone

Keith Knight

And Tom Woods

This is a big opportunity for privacy and freedom technology to spread, and to raise awareness of the dangers of using Big Tech surveillance infrastructure that is looking to actively censor and crush Libertarians.

They are giving this a brief shot. But it’s meaningless without your adoption. Now is the opportunity show all these influencers that freedom tech does matter. Be apart of something. Have purpose.

I’m ringing the bell for liberty, will you heed the call?


To subscribe on Session, hit “New Message”, and send any message to

Session ID: “Libertarian”

(without quotes)

Then you can participate in discussion in the Session Group Chat:

(Hit “Join Community” for the Group chat)


Nostr public key:


If you can’t find their Nostr, then you can find a list of relays they post to on Primal,

If you don’t know how to use Nostr, try this video tutorial guide.

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