Simplified Privacy

Custom Privacy-focused Linux Tech Support

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Reclaim your freedom and independence with Linux! We offer private and fast 1:1 technical support for:

Installing Linux

We can help you install Linux, either on a new PC, or Dual Boot an existing Windows PC. The entire process with our help will be quick and easy. On your own, there’s a higher risk you might accidentally delete all your data.

Fixing Errors

If your operating system won’t start properly, or you’re getting an error that interferes with your experience, we’re here to solve your problems and make your life easy. We will make sure you don’t miss work or your responsibilities because you had long downtime.

Installing Software

A lot of popular Windows software either has a high quality freedom-respecting open source alternative or has a Linux version already available. Our team is ready to help you with your transition to Linux and cater advice to your specific needs.

Don’t waste your life on free forums

If you try to get support on your own via public forums, you will likely have to do a lot of work on your own with the solutions they will give you. Since they’ll just give you a one sentence answer that could take you days or weeks to implement, while as we’ll walk you through each step of the way. Also, these random forum participants often don’t even know the correct way to solve your issues.

Why put your privacy problems on a public forum? We’ll talk to you with end-to-end encryption.

You Choose the Platform

In your personal consultation, we’ll guide you through your choice of audio, video, or live texting chat. Your consultation would be end-to-end encrypted on easy to download and use apps like Signal, Session, or XMPP, for anonymous cryptocurrency. You can use these on your phone or PC.

Many Distros

We offer support for Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Whonix, Kicksecure, and Qubes OS.

Level System

In order to minimize your costs, we group issues based on how much knowledge and experience is required to solve it.   This way we are able to charge you less for easier issues.

Liberate your PC today!