Simplified Privacy

Alpha Test: Session automation for free speech

Big News!

After 2 months of development & decent cost,

We’re ready to move forward with the alpha test of our Session bot software for the purpose of rejecting government infrastructure, DNS, routing, and therefore surveillance and censorship. It automates Session messenger’s encrypted onion-routed 1-on-1 chats, into a platform that any influencer can engage in free speech even under the harshest conditions. At the completion of the alpha test (like a week) to get out bugs, we will then be open sourcing this to the community for free, for anyone to setup their own instance.

We also made an animated video on this topic:

The pre-existing problem we seeked to solve is that Session’s group chats linked it to a single public facing server, with a complex public key for new users, and required a visible IP/domain thus defeating the purpose. Our Session bot automates incoming follower requests made to a “single word” username to a list, and then later the creator can send content out, one by one, similar to how an email list functions, but in this case onion-routed with no government DNS. Consider this like “push notifications for Tor”, but even better than Tor onion domains, if your server’s location is discovered, then you can re-assign the Session ID via their blockchain DNS system to a new account and server, with your wallet kept in offline cold storage. And thus your speech is completely separated from physical locations to defy oppressive adversaries and achieve freedom.

We believe that our new system for Session to replace Telegram, perfectly compliments Nostr’s replacement of Twitter. As Nostr is on the clearweb, but makes it easy to share content. While as using our Session bot protects not only (Session’s version of) relays, but also who their audience is. So we encourage the use of BOTH together.

Join the alpha test by messaging the Session ID: Simple

Need help? Message the ID: Support

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