How we're making it easier to upload to Arweave
We've automated updating the Manifest. This is the most painful part.

Arweave’s CDN
I’ve searched far and wide, and I can tell you Arweave’s new Global CDN has the most potential for websites, podcasts, and video to defy oppressive censorship. It’s a game changer. But in it’s current form, UPDATING new content to your RSS feed on Arweave SUCKS. I’ll explain it like this:
If a German wishes to speak to a Japanese girl, he needs a translator.
If HTML links to Arweave content, it needs a translator, so the gateways can find it.
Arweave’s Manifest is this translator. And updating this currently requires digging through wallet outputs and manual work. Nobody will do this. But…
Our society is increasingly turning towards a dystopia. We all got our backs against the wall, as they come for our freedoms. Arweave shows potential, but potential is just an emotion. Someone has to act.
Today, Simplified Privacy is open-sourcing our original Python & Linux scripts to empower any web dev with intermediate static site generation & Linux skills to automate this painful manifest update. Additionally, we’re providing some of the critical documentation that Arweave currently lacks, to explain how to use it.
First Step
This is NOT the complete all-inclusive easy-click graphical-client for podcasts, that end-users with no tech skills desperately need. However, it is a first step in this direction, with automating this boring task.
Some say the glass is half empty. But I’m an optimist.
And today, we got some drops:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Huge Thanks to Zenaku
Our valuable team member Zen wrote most of this code
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