Simplified Privacy

Pro/Con of Nostr Clients

Nostr is similar to a decentralized version of Twitter. The protocol let’s you use any client, just like Bitcoin or Monero allow you to use any wallet. Anyone can make their own client. Here’s a few of the popular ones:
Pro: Everyone has a web browser, so it’s easy for beginners to on-board. Simple easy layout.
Con: They use CloudFlare, so do NOT let the website see your private key. You need to use the Flamingo browser extension to sign events because CloudFlare strips away httpS encryption. Without a browser extension, it should be treated like you’re handing your private key to the US government. You can’t view DMs using a browser extension only. Also CloudFlare will browser fingerprint you and block Tor. Therefore, we don’t recommend Iris.
Pro: Fast for Tor. I recommend this only for Tor browser. The reason it’s fast is because you’re not getting the content from each individual relay, but it’s aggregated to their database.
Con: Primal’s model is closer to traditional social media, where they can censor content. Beyond using this for speed on Tor, it’s dangerous centralization. Also JavaScript is an issue for high risk individuals.

Pro: FOSS Android client in the F-Droid store that works on degoogled phones. Not only is the interface just like Twitter, but they added in “sealed sender” style DMs, similar to Signal to hide metadata.
Con: Be aware that if you’re not using a degoogled phone, then the government and Google can probably get your private key. And for the high risk “tinfoil hat” paranoid, you can’t control the Baseband modem of ANY mobile device which hackers can remotely compromise. But for the average memer, private keys on mobile is fine.

Note: We made a video tutorial on Amethyst.

Pro: This is what I’d use for famous or controversial influences with a high threat model. Desktop Linux is supported, and it’s programmed in Rust which could potentially add security against memory corruption for poorly vetted third party images downloaded off relays. Password lock on posting is good. Also Gossip gives fine-grained control over what data you’re displaying and how often you’re getting it. This helps with Tor speed.
Con: No sealed sender DMs yet. Not the easiest interface for beginners.
Tip: You want to first try Amethyst, then graduate to Gossip when you understand that you have to enter a relay where someone posts to find them. (hint: lookup their relays quickly on Tor via We made a video tutorial on Gossip.

Pro: Lots of features such as mapping relationships, good widgets for hashtags and topics. Password lock is good.
Con: There’s still Linux bugs. I can’t recommend it for Linux, as I had issues. However, the developer has significantly improved Linux builds from just a few months ago, but it’s not there yet.

Pro: iPhone Client for less tech-savvy users
Con: Apple (and therefore the government) can probably get that private key, but again for the average person it’s ok.

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