Simplified Privacy is now regulated

"People pay the government to register a business, but when the customer is cheated, does the customer get any of those corporate registration funds?"

Simplified Privacy is now regulated

Simplified Privacy is now regulated…

Just not by the government.

Think about it, people pay the government to register a business, but when the customer is cheated, does the customer get any of those corporate registration funds? No, the government and lawyers squander it, and then more must be collected via violent threats.

Even worse, “privacy” companies register to get fiat investments, which then forces them to compromise their product at arbitrary corrupt request. Their innovative technology can’t resist the violent registration, and so they have no purpose.

But how can customers be protected if cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible? Today we present a new path.

Deposit + PGP

Simplified Privacy submits 2 Monero deposit with an arbitrator from XMRBazaar and registered it with our PGP key. All customers get a PGP signed receipt for VPS combo packs/email, DeGoogled phones, or other tech services, regardless of if you use the the Bazaar website, Nostr, or any messenger, and regardless of if you use XMR, Bitcoin, or a different currency.


If we fail to deliver on our promises, you can contact the arbitrator (AilliA), and show your PGP signed receipt. If we fail to respond or provide proof of delivery within 2 weeks, AilliA will pay you XMR from our deposit.

I stand for the right to choose your regulator. And my message is clear:

You are not defined by the dirt upon which you stand.
But by the value you add to society.

Let’s go now,

Deposit and Registration Info:


Learn how to verify PGP

(with an easy graphical program):

Immutable Contract:

Burned onto Arweave’s blockchain to provide an immutable record:

If you really want to learn and take your privacy to the next level, subscribe to our new content via: Nostr, Bastyon, Session, RSS, Ethereum Push.


Aug 15, 2024

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