Simplified Privacy

Most websites are not private for either the customers or the content creators.  They often will:

  1. Require the website creator to identify themselves or use insecure technology to communicate with design companies and hosts
  2. Use third party JavaScript such as Google or JSDeliver on WordPress, which causes privacy aware customers to bounce and reject your product
  3. Use third party delivery networks such as Cloudflare, which can see all customer passwords and shipping addresses.  Cloudflare bans or delays Tor and some VPNs, also encouraging these customers to leave your website.
  4. Not have cryptocurrency payment methods or require JavaScript to do so.  Not only is JavaScript invasive through tracking, but it slows load time.  So VPN users will be encouraged to close your site as they are frustrated trying to load it

We are here to help you solve all of these problems and embrace the Web 3 revolution. Our custom designed websites will increase your sales and audience retention with faster load times and by letting customers see you’re not abusing their data. This is especially important for cryptocurrency or political websites, which promote decentralization with the exact opposite ideals of the Big tech companies whose JavaScript they embed on their websites.

The popular browser extension uBlock Origin allows website vistors to see the abuse of their data.  With over 10 million downloads from the Chrome store (which Brave browser also uses) and over 6.6 million downloads from the Mozilla store, this totals over 16 million privacy conscious users that are not only aware of third party JavaScript but likely blocking it. 

This raises huge red flags when your website tries to load up, and creates distrust from potential customers.  Often tech savvy users are more educated and intelligent, which usually translates into higher salaries to potentially buy your product.


Political websites such as the official Libertarian party will use Google and Facebook JavaScript which are the same companies that suppress their free speech and ideas.

It’s even worse for many smaller conservative voices which are unable to learn the technologies that enable them to have true ownership over their content delivery and so they are at risk of censorship.  We can help you regain your digital freedom.


We offer your choice of the following services:

  1. Custom Art and website design
  2. Re-code or engineer your website to eliminate reliance on Democrat big tech
  3. Help you with censorship resistant alternatives such as distribution through Session channel setups, Nostr promotion, uncensored Ethereum subscription channels, or an email marketing strategy that doesn’t rely on third party providers such as MailChimp (who censored during covid).
  4. Accept Cryptocurrency payments without third parties to keep 100% of it
  5. Reduce or eliminate spyware JavaScript and re-engineer media to increase website load times
  6. Get an uncensored Web 3 website hosted on Filecoin/IPFS with an unstoppable domain
  7. Optional: Ethereum Wallet Comment Connectivity to go with uncensored Ethereum channel subscriptions

Get a free quote on your digital freedom project!  Reach out to us:

Session ID: Support

Signal #:+855 68 504 905





support [at] SimplifiedPrivacy [dot] com