Simplified Privacy


Our Mission

It’s extremely difficult for the average person to get the technical knowledge required for privacy, censorship resistance, and independence from Big Tech.

We are here to make your life easy.

Simplified Privacy can help you transition to Linux, open source software, DeGoogled phones, cryptocurrency, or even cheaply setup your own private server for many different purposes like emails, cloud data storage, chat messengers, or even encrypted team collaboration docs. We promote the idea of a decentralized and censorship resistant internet.

Big Tech companies have grown so powerful and influential that it’s become increasingly difficult to escape their services. This is dangerous because they can censor and remove certain ideas from human knowledge. And if they know everything about you, then they can more easily persuade you to believe their agenda with customized propaganda.

Governments worldwide abuse the data collection of Big Tech corporations, because if a private company does it for them, then they are able to do surveillance that if they did directly, their own legal frameworks would forbid. Governments and Big Tech companies have become interconnected as a revolving door of staff goes between them. Regular internet users are forced to agree to terms of service contracts that give absolute control over their communication and lives to the empire.

Do you want to break free from big techs grip? To break free takes time, and more importantly knowledge. Going at it alone is an option, but that’s the option the empire hopes you choose.

Instead, you can accept our help, speed up your goals, and be part of a philosophical movement where open source alternatives put you back in control. Say goodbye to centralized power and surveillance starting right now and reclaim your freedom!

By the way, we only accept cryptocurrency.  If you don’t know where to get it fast or privately, check out our previous article on the subject.  If you still have more questions, check our FAQ.

Help us, help you.

If you find our work of value, please consider a micro donation. We badly need money for software developers, servers, and video animation.

Monero (XMR):

Monero, Btc, Eth via Cake Wallet:

Bitcoin Layer 1:

Bitcoin Lightning:


Our Staff

Cybersecurity Expert & Desktop/Server Linux Administrator

Languages: English, Hebrew, French

For desktop or laptop Linux troubleshooting, this is your man. Adam is passionate about open source, privacy, and security. He’s always on the look-out for FOSS solutions for everything. He can help solve many privacy and Linux questions and issues as well as privacy respecting alternatives.

He is active on SoloLearn, a coding teaching website, with over 100 followers.  Please note this link has a Google captcha beyond our control:

And he can be found on Nostr here.


Customer Support

Goose directly handles customer orders and makes sure you have a smooth experience.  Reach out to him at the main encrypted company accounts during western hemisphere business hours.  (minus UTC).

Digital Hug

DevOps & Session Bot Developer

Digital Hug is the original author of Simplified Privacy’s Session Bot software.  She wrote it in JavaScript and Python.  This software allows Session to be used like an email list or decentralized Telegram, without a reliance on traditional internet DNS for censorship resistance.

Here’s her PGP Public Key to sign releases


Institutional Sales & Relationship Manager


Let’s make a deal.  Tyler networks with relevant businesses to educate them on the benefits of using Encryption as Identity, Session, Nostr, IPFS, crypto-as-social networks, and freedom preserving technology.  We can get a free quote to you.


Motion Graphic Designer & Spanish Ubuntu Support

Languages: Spanish

Zenaku has animated Simplified Privacy’s videos. He’s available to bring your ideas to life. He understands technical topics such as blockchain and can clearly explain your product or brand. Additionally, he can deliver Linux support in Spanish, especially with Ubuntu issues.

Spanish lessons for English speakers can also be arranged via encrypted chat.

Shadow Rebel
Free speech town crier

Shadow Rebel is engaged in unpaid free speech talking under a GNU public license. It just so happens that we release this free speech talking he records and publicly torrents under an open license as our videos. We don’t pay him, so there’s no tax or regulation.

He has spoken in person at local Libertarian party meetings.  And his videos on internet censorship has been featured in the popular political Youtube channel VisualPolitik, which has over a million subscribers.  Additionally his work on foreign policy has been sent out to journalist James Corbett’s email list.


Web Engineer
0thell0 has worked on the RebelNet front-end to integrate Monero tips and Ethereum Push Channel subscriptions.  He works in coordination with DegenRocket.


Phone Logistics

G negotiates deals to procure phones from suppliers and installs GrapheneOS on them.  If customers request pre-loaded apps, he fulfills the order and ships it to them internationally.  We CAN do shipping to all of the Americas continent, from Canada all the way down to Argentina.  We CAN do Europe, anywhere in the EU.


We can’t ship certain regions due to costs and logistics.  We are not discriminating due to politics, just distance/economics.

We do NOT ship to Australia or New Zealand.  We do NOT ship to Russia/Ukraine.  We do NOT ship to Africa. 

John Galt
Founder & Investor

Who is John Galt?  He is concerned about human and digital rights being eroded by the tyranny of the status quo.

He dislikes censorship, endless wars, and the corrupt fractional reserve banking system. As a man of optimism, he instead advocates for change through freedom respecting technology. Only by individuals learning skills to empower themselves, can we be free.

Our Partners


Full Stack Engineer

DegenRocket is the lead developer of Simplified Privacy’s Nostr and Ethereum cross-signing federated forums.

He can help your business join the Web 3 revolution.  His code will ultimately be a protocol agnostic signing platform and his open source code can be found at:

When combined with Ethereum push notifications, this can bring your firm’s marketing to a whole new level.