Best Client for Tor Nostr? Gossip

"Tips for improving Nostr's slow Tor connections using Gossip Client settings."

Best Client for Tor Nostr? Gossip

Nostr has horrible Tor support as it’s very slow to connect to all of these relays. Here’s some tips:


a. Use the Gossip Client on desktop (Linux is supported btw).

We love Whonix, but you could use any other tools such as ParrotOS, Tails, or even just command line software.

Then modify the following settings in Gossip:

a) Turn off avatars
b) Turn the refresh rate for the timeline to the slowest
c) If you’re real laggy, turn off “in-line content” which is images
d) Mute people you don’t actually need to see
e) Modify the relays (see the next point)

Cut Fluff

b. Gossip is great for Tor because not only can you cut out the bullshit you don’t need. This speeds up the process by not asking extra data from relays.

2nd VPN Account?

c. If you’re doing controversial speech, consider only posting on Gossip via Tor, but then using a different account on a WireGuard VPN just for general browsing/scrolling of a timeline


Primal is great to look up someone’s relays then follow on Gossip. Primal is faster because it gathers the data from relays like regular social media. But its faster for Tor just to find someone.

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Dec 3, 2023

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