Big Tech Is Evil

Hosting with Cloudflare is like being homeless

Hosting with Cloudflare is like being homeless

They can see all passwords and ALL data. The SSL connection or httpS encryption is stripped away by Cloudflare


Jan 10, 2024

9 Dangers of Google’s Power

9 Dangers of Google’s Power

Exploring the risks of Google's dominance and privacy implications critically.


Dec 27, 2023

Epic win against Google

Epic win against Google

California court decided that Google’s Play app store operated as an illegal monopoly


Dec 12, 2023

DeGoogled Life

DeGoogled Life

Google's relevance declines as alternatives grow; privacy abuse weakens their power.


Nov 27, 2023

Big Tech Abuses Medical Privacy

Big Tech Abuses Medical Privacy

your medical records are protected by HIPAA but your internet medical browsing history on websites like WebMD is NOT.


Feb 25, 2023

Google Censors Freedom

Google Censors Freedom

This article presents evidence that Google promotes an agenda of centralized control through systematic censorship on its search, email, video, app store, and ad platforms of ideas promoting decentralized personal responsibility and anything critical of government power.


Feb 25, 2023

Google’s Surveillance: The Shocking Truth

Google’s Surveillance: The Shocking Truth

Search, Email, Web traffic, Captcha, Browser, and GPS are only the beginning... Google is among the most malicious surveillance organizations


Feb 25, 2023

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