Why Privacy

Why Privacy? Depends on Who’s Asking…

Why Privacy? Depends on Who’s Asking…

People assume the answer to “why privacy” is the same for everyone.


Feb 17, 2024

The Tyranny of KYC

The Tyranny of KYC

Financial surveillance is far worse than most think. You’re in for a shock if you read this.


Feb 15, 2024

They wish to digitally cage us

They wish to digitally cage us

I’m disputing the legitimacy of our society’s infrastructure.


Jan 16, 2024

How Streaming Services train you for Obedience

How Streaming Services train you for Obedience

novel ways of thinking about propaganda and obedience training


Jan 5, 2024

Can people be changed?

Can people be changed?

Arguments for abandoning Google: privacy, self-sovereignty, fair pricing, avoiding censorship.


Jan 3, 2024

Big Tech Abuses Medical Privacy

Big Tech Abuses Medical Privacy

your medical records are protected by HIPAA but your internet medical browsing history on websites like WebMD is NOT.


Feb 25, 2023

Browser Fingerprints Lead to Price Discrimination

Browser Fingerprints Lead to Price Discrimination

Many companies will take advantage of any data they can get on you to charge more


Feb 25, 2023